Palermo vs Catania (Italian Serie A Saturday, April 28, 2012)

Watch Palermo vs Catania live Italian Serie A on Saturday, April 28, 2012 16:00 GMT at Renzo Barbera.

Of the 10 meetings last two teams, Palermo won 3 games, 1 series, and 6 lost to Catania. Berakhri last game the two teams with a score of 2-0.

Of the last 5 Palermo, they won the first game, second series, and 2 loses. Palermo Parma humiliated by his own stable, with a score of 1-2.

While the last five matches Catania, Catania won the first game, first series, and 3 lost. Their last match, they defeated Cagliari with a score of 3-0.

Palermo is currently positioned on the 15th with 41 points from 34 matches. Of those 34 games, Palermo won 11 games, 8 series, and 15 lost. While Catania is positioned on the 46 of 34 matches. Won 11 games, 13 series, and 10 of the 34 games they lost.

In matters of goals scored, Palermo has so far managed to score 47 goals, while Catania will be scored 44 goals.

Catania's defense is better than Palermo who had 53 goals kemasukkan, Catania had just kemasukkan 46 goals.

Palermo has a home record reproducing enough, they won 10 games, 1 series, and lost 6 of their 17 home games. While Catania only won 2 games, 8 series, and seven lost their 17 away games.

Miccoli became Palermo top scorer so far with a total of 12 goals, while Lodi pembendaharaan leading scorer with a total of 8 goals Catania.


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